


4技能をバランスよく習得し、英語をツールとして、広い世界でチャレンジし続けられる人間の育成を目指しています。日々、英語を「使用する」ということに力を入れ、ALTとの授業も多く、アクティブに楽しく取り組んでいます。詳しくは下のスライドをご覧ください!また、日々の様子や英語教育にまつわる情報は外国語科ニュースThe Warabi Timesでも詳しくご覧いただけます。

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【外国語科】31期 The Actual Exam of ”Reciation and Speech"



Today, we held the final recitation and speech presentations that students have been practicing for during the summer break! Some students were able to showcase the skills they’ve developed in pronunciation and expression, while others may feel they didn’t perform to their full potential. However, we hope that all of these experiences will serve as valuable lessons for the future!



Next, we look forward to hearing from the students who haven’t yet presented in the recitation category and the upcoming speeches!

Each student’s expression is unique, and for the speech category, many have spent considerable time crafting their scripts. We hope they can fully express their emotions through their performances. The ALT teachers were also deeply impressed with the presentations and are excited to see further growth from everyone!

We encourage everyone to keep building on each experience, one step at a time!


【外国語科】31期 Recitaion and Speech Practice!! ~Part 5~


 Today, nine students made time to practice their recitations and speeches! Summer vacation is almost over, but it’s great that students are coming to practice even though they are busy with homework and preparing for the school festival!


Today, they practiced in front of other students at the same time. This made it feel more like the real presentation.It can be scary and a little embarrassing to perform in front of friends, but doing it will help them in the future.



 Today was also the last day for our ALT, Ms. Anna, during the summer vacation. She helped the students with their expressions. Ms. Anna is surprised by how much the students have improved and is excited for the final performance. Let’s keep practicing until the day of the event and remember everything we have learned!


 We worked together with the students to make their speech scripts. Each script is special and personal, showing the students’ unique ideas. I’m excited to see how much their speech skills have improved and how the contest will go!

Tomorrow is the last day of practice during the summer vacation. I want to finish strong and keep up with the students’ energy!

【外国語科】31期 Brushing up on scripts for the "Speech"! ~part 4


Today, nine students came to work on their scripts, pronunciation, and expression in preparation for the recitation and speech presentations in September!


With the cooperation of our ALT, Ms. Anna, we split into two groups—one focused on script writing and pronunciation correction, and the other on enhancing speech delivery. We worked together with the students to refine their skills.


It’s impressive to see so many students engaging with English every day, even during the summer vacation. This is truly the spirit of the Foreign Language Department! ^ ^

Their abilities are steadily improving, so let’s enjoy the process and continue to work hard on our English studies!

【外国語科】31期 Brushing up on scripts for the "Speech"! ~part 3


Today, we had the pleasure of having our ALT, Ms. Ana, join us for speech practice and recitation practice!


Though it was the last session before the Obon holiday, the students made full use of their time before and after club activities to work on their scripts and practice their recitations.


来週は学校閉庁日ということもあり、それぞれの時間の過ごし方があると思いますが、宿題、スピーチ、息抜きに楽しんで欲しいですね^ ^

Next week is the school's closure period, so I hope everyone will spend their time well, enjoying their homework, speeches, and some relaxation.



【外国語科】31期 Brushing up on scripts for the "Speech"! ~part 2~

Today, despite it being the summer vacation period, we had the pleasure of having our ALT, Ms. Ana, join us for speech performance practice and guidance.

The practice began with recording our voices, followed by checking pronunciation, accent, and intonation. After that, we recorded our voices again to make it easier to see the progress before and after practice. I feel that the students are quick learners and are making noticeable progress, making this time very meaningful.


Many students have already completed their speech scripts, so now our practice is focused on refining their performance. Since delivery is a crucial aspect of the actual speech, I hope the students will not be satisfied with just their scripts but will also give their best in their performance.

【外国語科】31期 Brushing up on scripts for the "Speech" and practice for Recitation!


Even though it's summer vacation, many students are coming to school to work on their speech scripts and practice for the upcoming speech tests!


Reading their speech scripts, each student's experience is incredibly interesting, and I look forward to their presentations on the day. In the Recitation category, while they feel the difficulty of pronunciation, they are improving with practice. I’m also excited to see how their presentations will turn out!


Yesterday, during the summer vacation, ALT teacher Ana even came to school upon. She checked each student's speech expressions and intonations!



The 31st batch of the Foreign Language Department has many students who are having a fulfilling summer vacation. Some are working hard to improve their English even during the break, some are on a study trip to Australia, and some  have been alone to study in Cebu Island.


I hope each student grows significantly and can share many memories when the summer vacation ends!

【外国語科】31期 The last lesson right before Summer Break ~ Sharing "Speech"~

本日は、夏休み前の最後の授業でした! 期末試験以降、Recitaion→Speechと非常にタイトなスケジュールの中、生徒が本当に熱心に取り組んでくれました。

Today was the last class before the summer vacation! Despite the very tight schedule of Recitation and Speech since the final exams, the students have been working really hard.




In the 5th period, we did the final checks on the manuscripts and each student practiced their speech. During the speech practice, we used voice input to check pronunciation and then utilized AI tools to check grammar. The students have become quite accustomed to this practice method.




In the 6th period, they presented their speeches to the teachers assigned to each group. I believe that using the expressiveness and intonation skills they developed during Recitation contributed to their growth.

スピーチの内容も非常に多岐にわたり、どれも魅力的で興味深いものでした。ALTの先生方も本当に楽しそうに教えてくださって感謝しております! このRecitaionとSpeechの経験をもとに、夏休み明けにはテストを行い、さらにはWarabi high school Speech Competitionにも参加する生徒がいます。是非夏休み期間もしっかり英語を楽しんで行きましょう!

The content of the speeches was very diverse, and each one was attractive and interesting. We are very grateful to the ALT teachers who seemed to enjoy teaching so much! Based on the experiences of Recitation and Speech, all students will take tests after the summer vacation and some of them even participate in the Warabi High School Speech Competition.

夏休み前の「Debate and Discussion class」は以上になります。


This concludes the "Debate and Discussion class" before the summer vacation. As AI continues to develop, language skills may become less critical. However, this class has focused not just on learning English, but on "experiences" such as speaking in public and conveying one's opinions in English. I hope that these "experiences," whether successful or not, will help the students grow.


I imagine the students have many events and plans such as summer camps, club training camps, supplementary lessons, and homework during the summer vacation. I hope they rest well, have fun, and return to school full of energy!

Everyone, have a great summer vacation!!


【外国語科】31期 Making a script for "Speech"


Today, during the third period, we completed the first draft of our speech scripts. In the fourth period, we polished the scripts with the help of the ALT and JTE, who provided corrections and enhancements!


During the third period, everyone was more serious and focused than usual, dedicating themselves to completing their scripts.



The ALT teachers also walked around, offering advice and correcting the English in the scripts. It was very supportive!



In the fourth period, we divided into groups and received individual corrections and enhancements from the ALT and JTE. There were many areas for improvement, such as clarifying what we want to convey, why we chose the topic, adding personal experiences and impressions, and refining the closing words of the speech.



Let's make the most of these corrections to prepare for our next presentations and work hard to welcome the summer vacation with a sense of accomplishment!

頑張れ、31期 外語クラス!!

【外国語科】31期 The introduction of the "Speech"


Today, based on the previous recitations, we entered the "Speech" part where students come up with their own topics and create their scripts!




The goal for today was to decide on a topic, conduct research, and complete an outline of the script. Through brainstorming and other activities, I believe they were able to expand their opinions.





Next time, we will move on to the actual scriptwriting.

It won't just be about writing the script, but also practicing how to make it an engaging speech.

I am excited to see what kind of speeches will be created!

【外国語科】31期 Recitation Practice & Test

本日のDebate and Discussion classでは、著名人6名のスピーチから1つ選び、スピーチにおいて重要なスキルを身につけるRecitaion(暗唱)を行いました。日本人のイチロー選手のスピーチからオバマ前大統領のスピーチなど幅広く用意し、実際のスピーカーのように感情を込めて伝える力を養う目的があります。

In today's Debate and Discussion class, we chose one speech from six prominent figures and practiced Recitation, an exercise aimed at acquiring important skills in speechmaking. The speeches ranged from Japanese athlete Ichiro's to former President Obama's, covering a broad spectrum to cultivate the ability to convey emotions like actual speakers.



In the first hour, each student practiced individually. As they got used to the scripts through practice, some began incorporating gestures, others shadowed the audio simultaneously, and some practiced in front of their group members, creating a very lively practice scene!


In the second hour, we proceeded to the Recitation evaluation test. Four teachers divided the students into groups and checked each group's speeches. Despite the limited practice period, many students who had memorized their speeches, or even those who hadn't but still managed to express their emotions and get close to delivering a proper speech, made it a very meaningful time.



Moving forward, based on the speech skills developed, we will practice writing our own speech scripts and presenting our thoughts in our own words!

頑張れ、31期 外語科!