【英語部】The last practice in July~The Refutation Practice!!~
Today, the whole team practiced refutation, which we are still quite new to. Each member thought about the given reasons and specific examples, then presented and shared their counterarguments. This allowed us to gauge each individual's depth of knowledge and refutation skills.
Typically, we don’t have club activities during the summer break, but this July, we tried to be as active as possible to catch up to our retired seniors. Although there will be a break until our practice in August, this period will be a great time for everyone to study their own areas for improvement. I’m looking forward to seeing how much everyone has grown when we meet again.
In July, not everyone was present all the time due to some students returning to their home countries, others going to Australia for training, and some attending supplementary classes. However, I believe we still learned a lot and found many areas for improvement. Let’s continue to support each other and keep up our activities!
【英語部】The Demonstration of Debate Prat 2!!
Today, the first-year students had a mock match to experience each part!
Although they are growing little by little, we have found more challenges and there is a lot to learn.
Sometimes they strayed from the topic, and there were instances where their claims and reasons were inconsistent. Additionally, we need to strengthen their pure English skills, so let's keep up the enthusiasm moving forward.
Tomorrow will be our last practice session in July. Let's make sure we give it our all and have no regrets!
【英語部】 The Demonstration of Debate!!
Today, we held a mock match to test whether we could apply the roles we have accumulated as knowledge in practice.
Some were disheartened by the difference between "knowing" and "being able to do," but this also means they have become more aware of what they lack and what is around them!
After the match, we summarized the deficiencies and points of reflection individually and as a team, sharing them via a spreadsheet.
In next week's practice, we will experience different roles and systematically learn how each role thinks.
The summer has just begun, and so has our new team, so let's turn all our failures into fuel for growth!
【英語部】 The first practice during summer break!!
From today, the English Club's first activity of the summer vacation has begun!
Right after the start of the summer vacation, the first-year students had a field trip, and the summer supplementary lessons began in earnest. Now, the English Club has finally started.
Today, we practiced refutation using model cases and reviewed the summary part, confirming the flow and roles of the debate as a whole. Additionally, by mapping the arguments using AI tools, we were able to clarify the content of the discussions more effectively!
After that, we focused on practicing refutation, which was our task for today, and concluded today's club activities. Tomorrow, we will have an actual debate, so I hope we can showcase the results of our practice so far!
Since we forgot to take pictures of the club activities, we will be sending you the cheerful appearance of the promising first-year students of the English Club!
【英語部】 HPDU 新芽杯 学校表彰
Today, the school assembly was held on Meet, and the school's awards for the Shinme Cup, which took place last month, were presented!
It has been several years since the English Club received an award, so it would be great if we could continue this trend in the future!
We also had a conversation with the third-year students for the first time in a while, and it seems they are regularly checking this website!
Since our senior students are working hard in preparation for their entrance exams, it would be great if everyone in the English Club could strive and improve as well.
【英語部】The Refutation Practice part 2!!
本日は、前回に引き続き反論(Refutation)の練習を行いました! モデルディベートを参考に、自分たちならどのような反論をするか、そして実際の反論はどのようなものだったのかを確認し、苦手分野の克服や全員がどのポジションでもできる基礎を作っています。
Today, we continued our practice on refutation! Using model debates as a reference, we discussed how we would respond and compared it with the actual refutations made. This helps us overcome our weaknesses and build a foundation where everyone can handle any position.
Since tomorrow will be the last school day before summer vacation, we also discussed our schedules and goals for the break. How we spend this seemingly long yet short summer vacation will impact all club activities. We hope everyone can cherish each day!
【英語部】 The Refute Practice!!
ミーティングでは、「まだ一年生が経験の浅いポジションがある」、「反論(Refute)が弱点」ということがわかり、今日は実際のThe Model Debateを参考にしながら練習を行いました!
From today, our debate team has begun its full-fledged practice!
In our meeting, we realized that some first-year students still have inexperienced positions and that our rebuttals (Refutes) are weak. So today, we practiced using an actual Model Debate as a reference!
It was great that we could practice simulating what reasons and concrete examples we would present on the topic, and how we would counter the points raised.
In the February competition, each person's speaking time will be five minutes, which is two minutes longer than the previous competition. Therefore, it is crucial to think accurately and make our arguments convincing.
Let’s continue to improve both our pure English skills and the substance of our content!
【英語部】 発音練習&ミーティング
Yesterday, we had a pronunciation practice session with everyone!Knowledge and practice of pronunciation are extremely important in everyday conversation and debates.We started with learning how to read phonetic symbols and then practiced actual pronunciation.
Of course, there are various pronunciations depending on the country and region, and all of them are wonderful. According to a certain survey, the attractiveness of Japanese English pronunciation ranks 11th in the world (including native English-speaking countries)!
On the other hand, getting closer to the standard pronunciation is also a necessary part of smooth communication.
活用資料→Homework should be abolished.pdf
After that, the debate group stayed behind to discuss the goals and practice content for July.It would be great if we could utilize this for researching model debates and practicing positions we haven't experienced yet!
【英語部】 ディベートグループ 今後の活動・方針決めミーティング
With the new system in place and everyone gathered, we discussed our future activity plans and goals!
We have a long preparation period ahead of us for the tournament in February next year. Despite being up against extremely strong schools, we have set a goal to "win one match" regardless of who our opponent is.
Although our debate group was just formed last year, we will do everything we can to prepare thoroughly and face the competition with a perfect setup!
Keep Going, English Debate Club!
【英語部】 全体ミーティング&グループプラクティス
Today, we held our first general meeting since the end of the final exams and the change of classes! We established our future activity guidelines and goals, and there were demonstrations related to debate!
Our regular activity location is the seminar room on the third floor of the Foreign Language Department building.
Last time, we introduced the Debate Team, so this time we will introduce the Enjoy Team.Unlike the Debate Team, the Enjoy Team meets once a week on Fridays. During these sessions, we play board games, quizzes, and engage in free topics with the ALT, allowing us to get in touch with English.
Today, we invited Ms. Ana, our ALT, and had a lively discussion about countries we want to visit and pets we would like to have! I think these opportunities to not just use English but also learn about other cultures through English are very stimulating.
Next time, we will take a group photo with everyone, and I hope we can start this year on a positive note :)
Look forward to the updates on the website!