

【英語部】HPDU Sprout Cup Competition 2024 快挙達成!

6月に開催された、HPDU Sprout Cup Competition 2024の大会において、蕨高校からは2チームが出場しました。その中で、Aチームが全国34チーム中で見事3位という輝かしい結果を残しました!

The HPDU Sprout Cup Competition 2024, held in June, saw two teams from Warabi High School participate. Among them, A team achieved a remarkable result by placing 3rd out of 34 teams nationwide!




This achievement is a testament to their daily hard work and passion. The dedication and perseverance of the participating students, combined with the exceptional guidance of their teachers, have resulted in this outstanding success. It is a source of pride for Warabi High School and a wonderful event that expands the horizons of future possibilities.



 We extend our heartfelt congratulations and applause to everyone involved.

Keep striving for even greater heights!