
【英語部】The Refutation Practice part 2!!

本日は、前回に引き続き反論(Refutation)の練習を行いました! モデルディベートを参考に、自分たちならどのような反論をするか、そして実際の反論はどのようなものだったのかを確認し、苦手分野の克服や全員がどのポジションでもできる基礎を作っています。

Today, we continued our practice on refutation! Using model debates as a reference, we discussed how we would respond and compared it with the actual refutations made. This helps us overcome our weaknesses and build a foundation where everyone can handle any position.




Since tomorrow will be the last school day before summer vacation, we also discussed our schedules and goals for the break. How we spend this seemingly long yet short summer vacation will impact all club activities. We hope everyone can cherish each day!