【外国語科】31期 Complete scripts for Academic Debate
Today was dedicated to compiling all the information students have researched so far and finalizing their scripts. While there is an abundance of information available, many students found it challenging to locate exactly what they needed. Through these experiences, we hope they can develop a proactive approach to seeking out and acquiring the information they need.
In speaking practice, we noticed that many students have a habit of speaking in fragments or individual words. It’s important for them to recognize the value of having opportunities to speak directly with people from other countries and to actively practice expressing themselves in full sentences. To achieve this, students need to increase their input while regularly engaging in English conversation practice.
By making the most of our specialized curriculum, unique to the Foreign Language Department, we aim to cultivate English proficiency that goes beyond the scope of a standard academic course. Let’s continue striving to achieve higher levels of English fluency!